7 industries 4 modulesDue to the Netris solution any existing video functions can be integrated in the video surveillance:
- Face recognition by photo;
- External databases integration for face search;
- Faces comparison with the staff database;
- Motion detection in frame;
- Lines crossing;
- Intercameral tracing;
- Vehicles license plates recognition, including transport vehicles;
- Vehicles marks, models, types recognition;
- Smoke detection and other emergency situations detection;
- Snow and garbage pickup control, other householding events control.
Suitable for
Features and benefits
Any developer's analytical algorithms can be integrated simultaneously
Practical comparison of various algorythms in real conditions is made, best solutions of the market are chosen. There is the possibility to use various developers' similar-type algorithms simultaneously for maximum accuracy.
- Best algorithms The possibility to make real-conditions comparisons of the analytical algorithms available on the market in order to choose the best of them.
- Supreme accuracy Various developers' analytical algorithms can be used simultaneously for most accurate results.
- Access from any point of the world There is any-point-of-the-world access to the video analytics through the unite portal interface and through mobile devices, and also through the Internet.
Interface screenshots
All solutionsThe subsystem has the architecture allowing any analytical modules of Customer's demand integration.
Surveillance cameras face recognition, archive face search.
At the moment, NtechLab, VisionLabs, Tevian algorythms are being used that provide the following functions:
- Face recognition by photo;
- Gender, age, emotions recognition;
- Online face monitioring;
- External databases face search.
The solution is widely used in Moscow, Tyumen, Novosibirsk oblast and other cities and regions video surveillance systems.
Vehicles license plates, marks, models and types recognition.
Currently Netline (MSK Group of companies) algorythms are used, that allow:
- Vehicles license plates recognition;
- Archive car search, traffic flow monitoring;
- Vehicle marks, models and types recognition;
- Transit transport vehicles detection.
The solution is widely used in Moscow region video surveillance system and works as pilot project in other major Russian cities and regions CCTV systems.
In frame motion detection considering size, color and other criteria.
Currently, there are ITV algorithms used, allowing to produce:
- In frame motion detection considering direction;
- Line crossing, presence in the targeted zone;
- Objects size and color assumption.
The solution is widely used in Moscow, HMAO, YANAO and other cities and regions video surveillance systems.
Automatic services quality control based on CCTV service model (SKOU)
There is CCTV services quality control provided by the telecommunication services operator, which includes:
- Cameras performance monitoring;
- Telecommunication lines monitoring;
- Video stream compliance with the contract conditions (FPS, Bitrate, resolution);
- Automatic reports.
The solution is actively used in all CCTV systems, working on Netris platform on service model.

Volgograd Oblast video surveillance system was launched in December 2022. Currently, the platform is aimed for over 500 video streams connection.

The world largest CCTV project: over 250 000 cameras integrated into single platform. It has been actively developing on the Netris platform basis since 2013.

Moscow region intellectual CCTV system includes over 85 000 cameras in major cities and on major roads.

Intellectual CCTV system that supports 3500 video streams, services control system and face recognition and object recognition video analytics.

Intellectual CCTV system that supports 1500 video streams and that has Situation centre, incident response bodies and St. Petersburg city integration ESB.

Regional intellectual CCTV system that includes over 5000 cameras in various cities of the region. The project has been developing since 2015.

Intellectual CCTV system that supports 1000 video streams, services control system and face recognition video analytics.

Regional intellectual CCTV system that includes over 1000 cameras. The project has been developing since 2018.

Intellectual CCTV system with case analytics, service analytics and face recognition algorithms. The project has been developing since 2019.

Russian Arktic intellectual CCTV system that currently includes over 1500 cameras. The project has been developing since 2019.

Volsk city intellectual surveillance system. The project has been developing since 2019.

Intellectual CCTV system that supports 1000 video streams, face recognition and car number plates, marks, types recognition video analytics and situational video analytics.

Komi Repiblic intelligent CCTV system. The project has been developing since 2020.

Smart CCTV system with situational video analytics, face recognition algorythms and mobile video-streaming option. The project was launched in 2020.

Rostovskaya oblast intelligent CCTV system. The project has been developing since 2021.
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